Though it is not known if Talos is aware he was these three, or if he has his memories, it still stands. Wulfried, the high king at the time), they have a 1/3 reason to care for him. Talos, being an entiamorph of three people (Tiber Septim, a Cyrodillic hero. It is very likely that they hardly care about it in the first place. Talos is used by Ulfric and the Stormcloaks as a recruitment tool. The second choice was the obvious answer. While this also affects everyone, it would be far, far less so. Though the Empire would have to adopt some Thalmor/Aldmeri Diminion laws, they would stay intact. Everyone would be under the forceful rule of the Thalmorī. This would have affected all proveninces terribly, and change every event from that point on. The white-gold tower fell, and a treaty was signed. The Empire was beaten into submission by the Thalmor, and in this fight fought Ulfric. Instead, with the killing of Torygg, war sparked. Skyrim could have succeeded peacefuly, like Hammerfell did long ago. She states that Torygg, if asked by Ulfric, may have stood up against the Empire. Now, with dialoge from Sybille Stentor, We can start to see the Duel/Murder of High King Torygg was unnecisarry, and Ulfric was more into taking the throne than succeeding from the Empire. "I faced him fearlessly - my fate inescapable, yet my honor is unstained - can Ulfric say the same?" "When Ulfric Stormcloak, with savage Shout, sent me here, my sole regret was fair Elisif, left forlorn and weeping." Given what Torygg tells the player in Sovrnguard, he did have a chance to defend himself. The Stormcloaks say it was a duel, the Imperials say it was a murder.

Well, I will say, with reason, why I side the way I do.įirst off, Ulfric and Torygg's fight. This is the one that caused so much fights it almost became a taboo in chat. (This is a post I made on a thread that I though was good enough to post as a discussion starter)Īh, the mighty question of Skyrim.